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2004-09-16 - 6:07 p.m.

The good thing about 100+ year old apartment buildings is that walls are as thick, solid and noise resistant as the female gym teacher in jr. high that tought at my old school. So when I catch myself belting out backup to the old Etta James album playing on my stereo I know that I won't have to hide my face the next morning when I pass my neighbors in the hall.

Many women say that a man who loves to sing with no inhibitions along with music -even if it's poorly- is not only okay but can be attractive. But, I dare them to watch a 31 year-old guy with a shaved head singing the song "OOH POO PAH DOO" with much verve & vigor and not injure themselves while falling over with laughter.

I've got great music by some female lounge singers -in french. You should hear me sing along with that. One woman did catch me once. She suffered complications after going into convulsions of laughter that were so severe that they caused an embolism. She's dead now.

I've gotta finish this up now. Stuff to do. 'Sides, I've been on my ass for the better part of the last 48 hours. Also, Frank is chewing on something new & exciting that I can't identify from here. So far this week he has eaten- one bowl of rabbit food, the spines off of 2 borrowed books, a respectibly sized chunk of the linoleum in my bathroom, a piece of my stereo speaker wire ( it took me half an hour to figure out why my left speaker wasn't working), my phone bill (good boy) and a ninja.

I'm going now. I can't sing and type very well at the same time & I really dig this song. So...

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