I hate you. I really do.

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2004-08-31 - 10:52 p.m.

I am spending tonight hating people. Not just one person or group of people. All people. Exept me. I am not (despite the impression I sometimes give) a self-hating person. Besides, I discovered that if you're surrounded by idiotic assholes, your own flaws seem to become rather minor. I would go into the reasons why, tonight, I hate people, but the odds are that anyone reading this is a people & is therefore too self-involved to care.

I did several things tonight to make myself feel better. First, I ate a pizza with onions & artichokes on it & washed it down with a huge cup of nasty coffee. Just so I could breath on people. Then I Told a person that we didn't carry "Unfit To Command" (the book about how Kerry got out of military service by - oh, sorry, that wasn't Kerry was it?). I said that because president Bush said he beleives the claims made in the book are untrue (fact) & because disagreeing with the president is unpatriotic - we couldn't carry it.

Okay, I didn't actually say that. I just thought it really loud.

I also said to anybody who was wrong about something ( and there were a lot of them) "you're wrong" & then walked away. I know this doesn't sound incredibly clever, but try it sometime-I guarantee it will piss them off more than any amount of debate ever could. I intentionally sqeaked my shoes on the floor, I pretended to pick something out of my ear and wipe it on my pants before handing anybody something, I made sure I was in large groups of people before farting (tonight's dinner came in very useful), I told several people " you look good - for someone your age",I glared, glowered, growled & giggled at idiots all night long.

You know the type of night I'm talking about.

Now I know what you're thinking. Youre thinking "Sincerely, ain't it possible that these people acted like assholes because of the way you acted?'.

You're wrong.

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